Home Value: 3 Ways a Metal Roof Will Add Value to Your Home

May 12, 2023Blog, Metal Roofing, Sandy and Salt Lake City

Metal roofing is a wise choice and becoming more popular due to its strength and durability in the Sandy and Salt Lake City area. The benefits of metal are many and offer years of protection for you, your home, your family, and your possessions. Considering the innovations and advanced technology, metal is a roofing material to consider! A variety of circumstances can arise which will force us to review the status of our roofing system. Perhaps storm damage, age, or leaks are present which need some addressing. 

It will cost more to install metal roofing when compared to asphalt shingles, but the value, in the long run, is amazing! Here are three ways metal roofing can add value to your Sandy and Salt Lake City home. 

metal roofing Sandy and Salt Lake City


Metal roofing, when properly installed and regularly maintained, can last nearly 60+ years. Put that in comparison to asphalt shingles which need replacement about every 20 years. The value in savings of this material is astounding! Here is a brief list of regular maintenance procedures.

  • Check the flashing to make sure it is still intact
  • Removal of any debris, limbs, and nests collected on the surface
  • Clean the gutters – this helps to aid in the longevity of the roof with proper water displacement
  • Check fasteners for rust and/or corrosion
  • Check for scratches, dents, chipping, fading
  • Clean the surface of the roof with water

Energy Efficiency

Metal roofing is one of the most energy-efficient materials and can reduce heating and cooling costs by up to 25%. A barrier is created by the metal which reduces heat loss and maximizes energy efficiency. Ice dams can also be reduced by keeping a constant temperature over the surface of the roof. 

Rainwater collection is ideal when the home has a metal roof. The water is collected from the roof in a large container for use now or later. Metal roofs have a lower concentration of bacteria compared to other materials, especially when coated with an antimicrobial paint system. The collected rainwater can be used for lawns, laundering clothes, washing cars, or outdoor ponds. This is just another way metal roofing is energy efficient!

Always use caution when using rainwater for human consumption. It must be filtered and decontaminated first to be safe.


home upgrades, metal roofing, Sandy and Salt Lake City

If a metal roof does need to be replaced after years of serving the home, the material can be used for a variety of new items. Unlike asphalt shingles that clog up landfills, metal can be used to create the following items.

  • Future metal products such as cans, appliances, plumbing fixtures
  • Create a unique tabletop
  • Make an outdoor sculpture
  • Build an outdoor shower
  • Fencing
  • Go metal in the kitchen
  • Make an accent wall 
  • Create a headboard

The ideas are endless when it comes to metal roofing and creativity! 

Olympus Roofing is here to discuss with you what metal roofing in Sandy and Salt Lake City means for value and longevity as an amazing system to protect your home. We have been working with your neighbors and friends in the Sandy and Salt Lake City area since 1973 and aren’t going anywhere. We love this community and the people in it. We never compromise on quality materials and strive for precise workmanship. We look forward to working with you! Give us a call today to schedule a free roof inspection!